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What Should a Newborn Wear to Sleep?

There are so many questions to answer when you first have a baby. And, we strive to answer all questions pertaining to sleep. Today, we share what a newborn should wear to sleep and what a newborn should sleep in.

How Much a Newborn Sleeps

Newborns sleep a lot. In fact, newborns sleep 14 to 17 hours a day but they can’t stay awake long between sleep periods. Your newborn might only stay awake for 1 to 2 hours throughout the day and night. Of course, you want most of their sleep to be at night with the 1 to 2 hours of awake time during the day. If your baby has newborn day/night confusion, you’re not alone!

If you are having any trouble with getting your newborn enough sleep, be sure to check our Newborn Sleep Schedules By Week.

What Should a Newborn Wear to Sleep?

To decrease your baby’s risk of SIDS, you want to make sure you dress your newborn appropriately. Overheating can increase the risk of SIDS so putting your newborn in appropriate sleep-wear is not only more comfortable but safer.

But, what should your newborn wear to sleep?

Of course, this will depend on your local climate, whether you have central heating and air conditioning, and what clothing you have available. The ideal room temperature for sleep is 68 to 70 degrees. Your baby’s skin should feel cool to the touch, not frigid, and never too warm or sweaty. If your baby feels very warm or sweaty, you are dressing your baby too warmly which is not as safe.

Most newborns should sleep in a maximum of 3 layers: a onesie, pajamas, and a swaddle blanket or wearable blanket.

A onesie is a little undershirt that has snaps on the bottom to make diaper changes easier. In some cases, if the onesie is long-sleeve, you might not need to put a sleep-n-play or pajamas over it. For babies who are warmer or in a warmer climate, skip the second layer and go straight to a swaddle blanket or sleep sack.

If your baby has sensitive skin or eczema, consider buying organic sleepwear whenever possible:

Do Newborns Have to Be Swaddled?

Most newborns sleep better when they are swaddled (wrapped up like a little burrito.) But, it isn’t mandatory. Some babies come out of the womb and want their freedom. Unfortunately, even if they don’t want to be swaddled, sometimes the moro reflex will wake them up constantly. For these babies, it’s better to swaddle them even if they appear not to like it.

My son, for example, would resist the swaddle but once he fell asleep, he slept much better. Some babies like mine just have FOMO.

If you are using a SNOO, it has a built-in swaddle to make it easier and keep baby safely on their back. Otherwise, you should use a good swaddle blanket and make sure your baby can’t break out making a safety hazard.

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What Do Newborns Wear If Not Swaddled?

If your newborn isn’t swaddled or when it’s time to stop swaddling, we recommend a sleep sack or wearable blanket. There are many on the market, so we’ve gathered the top 10 sleep sacks for you.

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I hope this article has helped you decide what your newborn should wear to sleep. Be sure to also learn 15 Baby Sleep Facts New Parents Need to Know.


The post What Should a Newborn Wear to Sleep? appeared first on The Baby Sleep Site – Baby / Toddler Sleep Consultants.

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