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Weighted Sleep Sack For Baby – Are They Safe and Do They Work?

Weighted sleep sacks and weighted blankets are becoming more popular. Do you need a weighted sleep sack and will it help your baby sleep better? This post will explain what a weighted sleep sack is, the purpose, and discuss whether it will help your baby sleep better.

What Is a Weighted Sleep Sack and Its Purpose?

A weighted sleep sack is just as it sounds. It a form of sleep sack that has a little weight to it. But, why would a sleep sack need weight added to it?

These sleep sacks and blankets can calm your nervous system and help babies feel like a hand is on them. This gives them a feeling of reassurance by acting like a hug with a technique called deep pressure stimulation. Just like swaddling helps newborns sleep better, a weighted sleep sack can possibly help your baby sleep better, too. But, does it always work?

Will It Help Your Baby Sleep?

Swaddling your baby keeps your baby sleeping longer when their Moro reflex is strong. But, as your baby gets older and you stop swaddling, do you still need a special type of blanket?

Sleep sacks are safe ways to have a wearable blanket so your baby won’t suffocate. So, sleep sacks are definitely a great investment!

Does the sleep sack have to be weighted?

Not necessarily. A weighted sleep sack can help some babies sleep longer, however. Here are a few types of babies we find can possibly benefit from one:

  • If your baby likes when you put a hand on them.
  • Your baby seems fussy and/or nervous a lot.
  • Your baby still has the Moro reflex but is breaking out of the swaddle or doesn’t like to be swaddled.
  • You suspect your baby or toddler has sensory processing challenges.

Of course, as with many tools in your parenting toolbox, sometimes you just have to experiment to find what works for your baby! Many products may improve sleep but some sleep problems can’t be solved with sleepwear, of course. So, whether your baby sleeps better depends on the reasons your baby is waking in the first place.


Weighted sleep sacks are considered safe as long as the weight isn’t more than 10% of your baby’s body weight. So, if your baby is 10 pounds, the sleep sack should not surpass one pound. And, if your baby is 20 pounds then your sleep sack should not surpass two pounds. As a reminder, you should always choose products that meet or exceed the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission standards and have been tested for a multitude of harmful substances. Be sure to check the safety page on a company’s website for any product you use for your baby as well as check with your pediatrician since they know your baby best.

Dreamland Weighted Sleep Sack

I learned about the Dreamland Weighted Sleep Sack recently and they were kind enough to send me a couple of samples to review. These products are truly top-notch and packaged beautifully! The material is soft and it feels like a superior product compared to many of the sleepwear products out there. Of course, my first question with a newer product is whether it’s safe for your baby. This sleep sack is doctor-approved, exceeds CPSC standards, and is OEKO-TEX® certified. Dreamland Baby Co has a swaddle, sleep sack, and blanket option. The blanket was one of the best I’ve seen and I wanted to wrap myself into it right away! I come across many baby products and I can confidently recommend this one in a heartbeat.

Are you, or considering becoming, a VIP Member of The Baby Sleep Site®? Be sure to get your exclusive 10% OFF Dreamland Baby coupon when you log in to our Join today!

Nested Bean Weighted Sleep Sack

There is one other sleep sack worth mentioning and that is the Nested Bean Gently Weighted Sleep Sack. This is weighted differently, however, with just a light weight on the chest. This mimics your hand on your baby’s chest which is soothing for some babies out there though not all. It’s a good alternative if your baby seems to like that a lot. These two products are different approaches to helping your baby sleep better so your baby’s preference will be a big indicator as to how well they each work (or not).

You might also be interested in: Nested Bean vs. Love To Dream Swaddle Up

In conclusion, a weighted sleep sack can be a good option for babies who are fussier and may need some added comfort. I certainly wish I had these products to try out with my son when he struggled with sleep! Of course, maybe then I wouldn’t have created this website. My goal is to help you solve your sleep problems much faster than I did and I hope this helps!

The post Weighted Sleep Sack For Baby – Are They Safe and Do They Work? appeared first on The Baby Sleep Site – Baby / Toddler Sleep Consultants.

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