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Why the Employment Development Department is Auditing Your Business

The Employment Development Department (EDD) in California bears the responsibility of collecting employment payroll taxes from businesses in the state. It then uses these taxes to cover various programs the entity oversees. This includes paid family leave, disability insurance, unemployment, and additional state programs.

Furthermore, the agency issues audit to businesses in the state to uncover and deter fraud in the payment of these taxes. When a business receives a notice that EDD will audit them, they must prepare for this process. However, the business must first determine why this notice has been issued.

Why Might the EDD Send an Audit Notice?

The EDD audits a company when it believes the business owner isn’t paying employment taxes properly. In addition, the audit might result from employees being mislabeled as independent contractors when they are actually employees. When an independent contractor files for disability benefits or unemployment, the EDD takes notice, as these workers aren’t eligible for the state disability or unemployment programs under current law. If a business receives this notice, they may want to seek legal advice and can go to Brotman Law to learn more or request an appointment.

Tax Issues

Employers must withhold employees’ income and payroll taxes before remitting them to the appropriate agency. This includes Medicare and Social Security taxes. In contrast, independent contractors take on this responsibility for themselves, as they don’t qualify as employees. Employers must file employment tax forms while complying with all federal guidelines regarding overtime and minimum wage payments. All businesses within the state must pay their employees and independent contractors in a timely manner. A failure to do so could lead to an EDD audit.

Employee Classification Errors

When a business classifies an employee as an independent contractor, the EDD takes notice and may begin the audit process. Workers find they are subject to many things when they work for an employer. They remain subject to the oversight, control, and jurisdiction of this business. In contrast, contractors perform projects or specialized work and have a contract when doing so. They have more flexibility in their work duties.

For instance, contractors choose which hours they work rather than adhering to a schedule established by the employer. The contractor negotiates their pay for the project or work, and the business cannot easily discipline the contractor. The company has little, if any, oversight when it comes to this worker. When a company blurs the line between workers and independent contractors, the EDD may step in and conduct an audit to determine where the business and contractor are engaging in an employer-employee relationship.

If a business is struggling to determine whether they should classify a person as an employee or independent contractor, certain questions need answering to determine the appropriate classification. The California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) developed these questions to help businesses ensure they remain in compliance with state law. This DLSE Classification Test requires the business to answer questions about skills needed to complete the work, the amount of control the business has over how the work is carried out, and who provides any materials or equipment needed to carry out the task.

Furthermore, the test covers topics such as reimbursement for materials purchased, the permanency of the relationship between the two parties, and more. In addition, businesses find they can file Form SS-8 with the IRS to resolve the issue of whether they should classify an individual as an employee or independent contractor.

auditing a business

The EDD Audit Process

Prior to the audit, a business owner needs to gather certain documents from the past three years. This includes canceled checks and check registers, along with annual financial reports and bank statements. Pull all income tax returns, both state and federal, along with employment tax reports. Payroll records become of great help during the audit, as do 1099 and W-2 forms. Provide proof of ownership during the audit and any business forms, statements, or records that may be of help in resolving the matter.

The audit begins with an entrance interview. The auditor outlines the purpose of this process and explains the procedure. At this time, the business owner receives the right to ask general questions as the auditor goes through the employee classifications, their wages, and any work that was contracted. The owner needs to take advantage of this opportunity to ensure they understand exactly what is happening and what the auditor expresses concern about to avoid similar problems in the future.

Once the audit is finished, the auditor presents the results. They refer to this as a proposed notice of assessment (PNA), and the business owner and auditor review it together. The employer may contest the results if they don’t agree with them. During this process, the EDD might find the business owner overpaid on taxes, which could lead to a credit for the following year’s taxes or a refund. In the case the employer did not pay enough, the Internal Revenue Service may assess a penalty, although there are exceptions to this. In addition, the EDD may issue fines as allowed under state law. These fines relate to certain transgressions on the part of the employer, even if the employer was unaware, they were acting illegally.

The EDD shares its findings with the IRS. The IRS then determines whether its agents need to conduct an additional audit or if they have resolved the matter. Employers must know this and learn what additional steps may be needed to resolve the matter. This will involve communicating with the IRS, as the EDD doesn’t play a role in the IRS audit. These are two separate processes.

Many business owners choose to consult with an attorney when they learn they are being audited by the EDD. This decision falls solely on the business owner, but many men and women find they feel more confident having someone on their side—a person who understands the process and what the owner will be facing. This helps to reduce the stress associated with the process, which any business owner will appreciate.

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