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What Is the Best Way to Manage Documentation in a Workplace?

Paperwork can be stressful, complex and time-consuming but it’s also vital to the running of any business. From health and safety certifications to insurance papers, contracts and training manuals, tenancy agreements, invoices and bills, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in paper with no obvious way to keep everything organized and easily accessible.

If you’re struggling with piles of paper, it may be best to invest in specialist documentation management tools. In this article, we’ll explain a little more about how these resources operate and the ways in which they can help to streamline your approach to paperwork.

Documentation for the project initiation process

Easy Access to Important Files

Whether you store electronic or hard copies of each document, when it comes to retrieving them for reference or editing, a large amount of time can be saved through the use of a specialist management system. Proper filing systems – both physical and electronic – can be easily implemented by expert Managed Service Providers (MSPs), allowing your business to benefit from a quick and intuitive approach.

An access management system is critical to help enforce a company’s data security by monitoring user access, and the rights to view important internal business files and systems. 

Greater Security

MSPs that work with documentation can also help you to ensure that only authorized parties are able to access certain information. They can help you to prevent accidental or malicious data breaches by ensuring that all of your paperwork is properly protected. They can also help you to easily create multiple safe backups for digital documentation that could otherwise be lost, resulting in significant costs and possibly even legal action.

Better Use of Space

Document storage can take up space whether it’s digital or physical. Documentation management service providers can work with a company to condense and streamline the locations of all-important paperwork in order to resolve this problem. In some cases, the favored approach may be to digitize certain information – a task that, unless outsourced, would probably take a huge number of man hours.

Adherence to Legislation

In many cases, the paperwork stored by businesses is likely to contain sensitive data, including the contact details and financial information of employees and clients. Depending on the location of your company, you will be required to adhere to certain legislation relating to the protection of this data. Within the EU, for example, data can only be stored for as long as it is required. Once the process for which that data was originally gathered has been concluded, your company can no longer legally retain it.

Failure to comply with this rule – along with many others under the General Data Protection Legislation – can lead to significant fines and even prosecution. It can be difficult to stay on top of your organization’s data banks without a high-quality management system, which makes it even more important that you invest in this kind of service.

Easy Renewal

Certain forms, specifically those relating to licenses and insurance, need to be renewed after a particular timeframe. A good document management system can help to tie these time-sensitive records into your company’s calendar and set reminders for important dates. This way, you will never lose out financially because you’ve lost track of an important piece of paper.

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