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Top 25 Linux Commands And How To Use Them

If you are new to Linux then the first thing you have to learn is the command. The basic Linux commands are pretty necessary to start learning Linux. There are so many Linux commands that are pretty helpful and easy to learn also. As a beginner you need to be familiar with the main and the most common Linux commands, then only would be able to step forward in your Linux learning journey.

But, if you have no idea where to start from for learning the basic Linux commands then don’t worry. This article is just for you. Here I have created a list of Top 25 Linux Commands. I also have discussed how to use these top Linux commands. So, let’s have a look.

Basic Linux Commands Every user should know

Below are the most common and top Linux commands you need to know. With the help of these commands, you can do some functions very quickly. So, let’s have a look at the top 25 Linux commands.

Creating a new file

The first and the most used Linux command is to create a new file quickly. Whenever you need to create a new file on Linux, simply follow the below command to create the desired file without having to go through any complicated process.

touch linuxhint.txt is used to create a new file. You can see the output result for this command in the below image.

Linux Commands

cal command

This is quite an interesting Linux command. The cal Linux command helps you to display the calendar of the month. If you wish to see the month’s calendar then use the Cal Linux command as shown below to display the specific calendar.

Linux Commands

And you can even display the current calendar just by typing $ cal.

PWD command

Another common Linux command is the PWD command. You can use this command to print the location of your current working directory. Just type $pwd and it would display the directory so that you can know the current directory before jumping to the parent or subdirectories.

Linux Commands

ls command

ls command is also quite common and handy Linux command. You can use the ls command to print the content of a directory. The default ls command will show you the content of the current working directory. But you can also print the content of any other specific directory by using ls command along with the name of the directory you would like to print the content of.

Linux Commands

grep command

With the help of the grep Linux command, you can print the string in a given line. It lets you find the desired string in any file of your choice. You can search for the strings in a single file as well as in multiple files by using the Grep command. This is one of the most useful Linux commands used for file searching.

Linux Commands

find command

As the name suggests, the Find Linux command is used to find the files using their names. You only need to use the case insensitive find command and you can find any file on your system. It also lets you execute Linux commands on the files.


CD stands for Change Directory. So, the cd Linux command is used to move from one directory to another. This Linux command s great for beginners as it offers you a quicker and easier way to move from directories. You can use this command as follows.


mkdir is quite a helpful Linux command if you want to create a folder anywhere in the Linux system then you can use this handy Linux command to create as many folders as you want.


MAN Linux command is helpful for the system administrators. It is short for manual. With the help of the man command, you can find information about the other commands. Such as if you want to get more information about the man command itself then you can use “man man” and it would display all the information about man command. This way you can find information about any other Linux command.

Alias Command

Alias command is a pretty interesting Linux command. Actually, if you want to give some other name to any command for your own convenience then you can do the same using the Alias command. It lets you change the name of the commands.


With the help of the cat Linux command, you can list the content of files quickly. This is the faster way to simply display the content of the files for the read purpose only. This also prevents any accidental alteration in the file as you can only read the file content. You only have to write $cat .filename to display its content.


chmod Linux command is used to change the file permission. If you want to change the permission to the file for a person then you can use this command easily.

Linux Commands

Though there are vast details about this Linux command you can have a little bit of the idea of using chmod Linux command from the below example.

Linux Commands


As the name suggests, you can use the date Linux command to print the current date and time also. If you want then you can only print the current time too. So, below is the syntax to use the date Linux command.

Linux Commands

echo command

With the help of the Echo Linux command, you can echo whatever you provide. Actually, echo Linux command is used to print the value of a variable such as $home, it will display its value. In the same way you can display the value of any variable as per your need.

Linux Commands

ssh command

SSH Linux command is used to connect to a remote host. You can transfer files to/from a remote host and debug SSH client connection.

Linux Commands


rmdir stands for “Remove directory”. That clearly tells that if you want to delete or remove any directory then you can use rmdir command. You only have to use $rmdir directory name to remove that specific directory. Make sure that you enter the correct directory name.


Uptime Linux commands display the total uptime of your system. f you want to know the total number of hours your system has been working for then you can simply use this Uptime Linux command without any hassle.

Linux Commands

Curl Command

Whenever you want to retrieve information from the URLs or internet addresses you can use the  Curl Linuxcommand for the same. This is a pretty helpful Linux command and can be used easily even by a beginner Linux user.


Chown command is a little bit similar to chmod command. But instead of providing permissions to the files, you can change or provide the ownership of the files to users.

mv command

MV command lets you move the files and directories without removing the original files. To use this command you need to enter the following syntax.

$ mv first_command.txt editedcmd

Here, first_command with be moved with the name editedcmd.

 tty command

If you want to show the current terminal then this is the command you need to use. This small command is pretty easy to use. All you have to do is-

$ tty

id command

With the help of id command, you can print the user and groups (UID and GID) of the current user. This command is also very simple to use-

$ id root uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

You can also use another username as the argument of which you would like to print the users and groups.

Locate Command

The locate command is a very helpful Linux command as it helps you to locate any file. It is just like the search tool in Windows. Not only this but you can also make this command case insensitive by using -i argument. If the filename consists of two or more words then you can use * (asterisk), such as locate -i class*room.

whatis command

Another best Linux command is Whatis command. With the help of Whatis command, you can print the one line description of the command.

$ whatis date
date (1) ---set the system date and time

Manual Pages

Last but not least, the command of the Manual page provides you thorough information regarding any command. You can use this command instead of Whatis command to get the detailed information of any command. Such as –

$ man date

So, these were the best 25 Linux commands. Hope the article was helpful to you. Stay tuned for more informative articles.

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