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Now, More Than Ever, We Need Mental Strength (Motivational Video)

Now, More Than Ever, We Need Mental Strength (Motivational Video) – Fearless Motivation

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Now, More Than Ever, We Need Mental Strength (Motivational Video) – Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speakers: Chris Ross, Tyrone Stokes

Now, More Than Ever, We Need Mental Strength (Motivational Video) – by Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE:

Transcript – Now, More Than Ever, We Need Mental Strength (Motivational Video)

Now, more than ever we are reminded of the importance of MENTAL STRENGTH.
 Now, more than ever it is important to make decisions from a place of CALM, common sense, and compassion… NOT from FEAR or PANIC.

Now, more than ever we can see clearly those who have done the work on themselves, and those who have not.

Now, more than ever we need FAITH.
 Now, more than ever we need OPTIMISM.
 Now, more than ever we need CALM.
 Now, more than ever we need COMMON SENSE.
 Now, more than ever we need COMPASSION.
 Now, more than ever we need BELIEF.

We have to trust that THIS TOO, WILL PASS. It will.

It’s an uncertain time for sure. But one thing is for certain, at some point, this will pass – so the best thing you can do right now, for yourself, and those you love – is take care of your PHYSICAL and your MENTAL HEALTH.

Do not stop taking care of yourself… and do not for a second think that your MENTAL HEALTH is less important than your physical health… especially right now.

Keep doing those daily practices that bring calm, peace and clarity to your life… and if you haven’t been doing them… when would NOW be a good time to start!

Meditation. DAILY.
Gratitude. DAILY.
Prayer. DAILY.
Exercise. DAILY.
Eating healthy, vital foods. DAILY.
If there is ever a time to really feel what you are grateful for: NOW IS THE TIME.

Feed your BODY and your SOUL with the right nutrients so you are prepared for anything and ready for the opportunities that are coming.

There may be negative times ahead, of course. Things might go backwards before they go forwards, but they will go backwards indefinitely if you don’t PREPARE NOW.

Do the work on yourself now.
 LEARN everything you can, and do all the work you can do NOW.
 Commit to be one of the few who come out of this STRONGER than ever.

Ask yourself:
What GOOD can come from this?
What GOOD do I want to come from this?
How can I be better through this?
What lessons is this teaching me?
What can I learn from this?

 If you look close enough, you’ll find it.

Now, more than ever we need FAITH.
Now, more than ever we need OPTIMISM.
 Now, more than ever we need CALM.
Now, more than ever we need COMMON SENSE.
Now, more than ever we need COMPASSION.
 Now, more than ever we need BELIEF.
We have to trust that THIS TOO, WILL PASS. It will!

Now, more than ever we need LEADERS. The world needs you to stand up and be strong.
 To make decisions based on LOGIC, not FEAR.

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