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How to Market Educational Apps in 2021

The rhythm of our lives is incredibly fast, and often the only free time we have is while driving or walking, so our smartphones become the most affordable way to get new knowledge and skills. Some people are really used to devoting every free minute to self-education. That is why educational apps are incredibly popular in 2021.

There are two main categories in educational apps: apps for students and apps for teachers. If we talk about apps for students, we can mention applications for gaining a specific result, like apps for learning a new foreing language or playing your favorite musical instrument; apps for kids aimed at teaching children basics, like colors, shapes, animals, etc; applications for exams, which help college and university students train in certain lessons and attempt passing exams; applications with educational information for professionals, etc.

Teachers use the software for planning their teaching process, so they can easily keep track of previous lessons and plan what should be done next. They also use apps for scheduling to get maximum out of every day, apps for grading with useful features to make notes, marks, reports, etc.

But one thing is to develop a great educational app and the other one is to successfully introduce your mobile product on the competitive market. Even if you have really good software, you will not be visible for your target audience without a proper promotion campaign.

Best Marketing Strategies For Educational Products

  1. Social media plays one of the most important roles. You need to create special groups and accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms to be able to focus on the virtual places where your potential users communicate and share their recommendations and reviews. You always have to stay active, answer your users’ questions, inform them about upcoming updates, news, etc.
  2. Develop a mobile-friendly landing page or website for your application. You may be wondering why you need a website for your mobile product. The answer is that only 50% of people search for mobile applications on the App Store or Google. The other 30% of users search for mobile solutions in Google and other search engines. This is where your website or app landing page can bring you additional traffic. According to ComboApp, 75% of users never click beyond the first page of a Google search, that is why it is crucial your educational marketing specialists create a comprehensive SEO strategy to get your website high in SERPs.
  3. Make a creative video. It will tell your potential users much more information than any written content. Make a short promo with the full and interesting description of your mobile product, and post it on YouTube together with some tutorials. This way you can make people talk about your mobile product and share it with others.
  4. Add virtual awards to your product. People like to compete with other users, and if you engage them, by promising awards for finishing certain levels, there is a chance they’ll want to share the app with their friends and colleagues. If you allow your audience to share their results, the popularity of your software can grow instantly.
  5. Advertise at the right time, especially if you use paid advertising. What does it mean? Parents rarely sit down and watch Saturday morning cartoons with their kids, so if you want to target the parents that would be the wrong time period. Instead, focus your advertising budget on when parents are more likely to tune into the TV set. The same can be said about apps for students. If your app is dedicated to self-improvement, which is far from usual studying, then pandemic-related quarantine is perfect timing.

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