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How are Indians Working from Home during the Covid19 Pandemic?

Takeaway: The unemployment rate is surging in India, and the online job portals providing work from home jobs are acting as a savior for the fresh graduates.

The rise of Work From Home Jobs amid COVID-19 pandemic

The work from home jobs got a more significant push due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. But even before, the COVID-19 entered the world; there has been an increase in the trend of work from home jobs. A large number of people had to bid goodbye to their jobs because of the coronavirus outbreak. This was when the concept of work from home jobs gained more popularity.

The technological developments in the area of video calling, virtual meetings e.t.c has done the work from home jobs convenient for everyone, and we at Hiredd are focusing on making the employment process simpler for you every day. 

Applications, startups, and websites like Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts have facilitated the work from home jobs in an efficient manner. Now, it is no longer necessary to be physically present in the office for work completion. The latest technological developments have made it possible for employees to work from home. These developments have led to an increment in the demand for work from home jobs.

Benefits of applying for Work from Home Jobs

There are various job portals available online that are making work from home jobs and internships available to the job-seekers. Below listed are some of the benefits of applying for Work from Home Jobs:

  • Work-life balance is maintained
  • Increased productivity
  • Cost-saving
  • Happiness quotient of employees is more
  • Reduction in Employee Turnover ratio

Specializations available for Work from Home Jobs:

The following top-listed fields are available with an option to Work from Home for the job-seekers during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Content Writing
  • Data entry
  • Virtual assistants
  • Campus Ambassadors
  • Digital Marketing
  • Tele Marketing
  • IT
  • Training
  • Education
  • Healthcare, and many more.

Here are a few points to note while taking up a Work from Home Job:

An employee should be well aware of what is expected out of him/her by the employer while applying for a particular job position. Many job sites in India offer an option to find WFH job easily.Every employee needs to be productive no matter if they are working from home for one day, one week, or full-time. Work from home jobs requires an employee to decide a place for a workspace that will be used by them at the time of their work from home jobs.

The employee should make a schedule and select tasks to be completed in a day. Work from home jobs can sometimes act a little too much to handle because of the disruptions that can be caused in the way. While working from home, an employee must make sure that there are no disruptions that could distract the working of an employee further, reducing his/her efficiency.


Hiredd focuses on presenting the best work from home jobs for its users amid the coronavirus outbreak by providing a user-friendly platform with verified top-notch companies. Log in to this job portal as you are just a few clicks away from your dream job.

Read Full Article Here – How are Indians Working from Home during the Covid19 Pandemic?

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