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Here’s How You Can Consider The Feedback On Your First Novel While Preparing A New Draft

Congratulations on completing your first novel. Pat yourself on the back. You deserve it.

However, was the book a best seller? Are you genuinely happy with your work, or do you feel that you could have done better? What was the reception and feedback from the readers?

If you are not happy with the first novel or the readers’ reception, something might be wrong with the writing. It also means that you are willing to change and launch a new draft that can outdo the first novel.

Hang on to the newfound zeal and motivation as we reveal to you why the book may have faltered and what you can do about it.

Why Reader Feedback Matter?

Reader feedback, paid or free, is a high source of understanding what you lack in the writing department. Since the reader is the end-user of your book, you need to know how they feel about things.

Readers will sometimes praise you and quote some excerpt from the book. It will help you understand what readers want and expect from your writing and help set the perspective for your fan base and target group if you are working on a similar genre or similar age group, ethnicity, gender, etc.

Praises will motivate you, but there is nothing more valuable from a reader than some constructive criticism. It will help you grow as a writer and adjust your style and flow to suit readers. It can also be a learning experience and a benchmark for further development.

Where New Writers Usually Go Wrong

Let us face it – your novel was not as endearing to readers as you thought it would be. However, do not lose hope – those who persevere come out victorious in the end and develop patience and fortitude.

Very few writers ever make it to the best seller in one try. For the rest of us, it is a learning experience. As a beginner who is on the journey to publishing the next bestseller or aiming for the booker prize, the road is difficult, and you will need all the help that you can get.

These days, novelists are using book writing software to help them structure their characters, create the setting, align plots, and subplots, and more.


Let us look at five of the most popular errors that beginners into the novel writing industry make:

Poor Communication With the Reader

A mistake that many beginners frequently make is that they do not understand the reader. They expect the readers to visualize the imaginary world within their thoughts without correctly describing it with their words.

Poor communication often leads to vague ideas that barely scratch the surface of what you wanted to convey to the reader. It gets worse if the reader misunderstands the context or ignores an important development in the story.

How to Solve the Problem:

Enunciate! Get into the shoes of the reader who has no idea as to what you are thinking. For simplicity’s sake, let’s consider an example.

If you tell your friend to buy you ice cream, they will buy your favorite flavor for you. However, unless you tell a stranger about your preference, there is no guarantee that they’ll bring you your favorite flavor. Use adjectives and adverbs, as they will give a clearer idea.

Underdeveloped Plot and Setting

The core of any story or novel is its plot. However, if the plot lacks suspense and build-up, the story will fall flat on its face. It is necessary to build the plot properly while making sure they are in tune with the characters.

The setting also plays a major role in the novel, helping to create the build-up moment. The setting is also essential since it presents the entire environment, sometimes detailing the ambiance, weather, aura, smell, or memory. The setting can be a place that a character holds dear to the heart; it could also be a sign of retribution and other emotions.

How to Solve the Problem:

Plan ahead! Ensure you follow a proper plot curve for the antagonist and the protagonist, from the beginning to the climax. The plot may also contain several events or subplots, creating a build-up.

In addition to this, the setting is also crucial since it can convey many things without the movement or dialogue of the character.

Loss of Motivation and Writer’s Block

New novelists often tend to lose motivation or run blank on ideas, unable to focus on writing. Writers run on motivation; it is their fuel. If you lose the motivation to write, you will only produce a half-hearted piece of writing, unworthy of being a novel.

On the other hand, writer’s block is a temporary slump. However, if you consider it to be permanent, it may soon become one.

How to Solve the Problem:

Read! When you are out of motivation, you can reminisce about the first novel you wrote and all the readers who praised or shared their feedback.

Remember why you are writing, and return to the roots, reading. Read books from famous authors to slowly get back from your writer’s slump.

Monotonous Characters

How would it feel if every person in your neighborhood reacted in the same way?

It would feel like you are living in a world of ‘The Truman Show’. However, readers want to engage with the characters, follow their story, feel with them. If the characters are bland, no matter how good the setting or the plot, it will not resonate with the audience.

How to Solve the Problem:

While writing characters, you need to first differentiate them based on appearance and add attributes to them, such as Alice- red plaited haired girl with a skill for cooking and fishing.

Now define their strengths and weakness, their motivation throughout the novel, and separate their wants and desires. Add in any specific phrases unique to the character.

Grammatical Errors

Grammatical errors, punctuation problems, and spelling mistakes are turn downs for serious readers who understand every word’s meaning.
Moreover, it will also hurt your reputation as a writer if you have too many spelling mistakes in the novel.

How to Solve the Problem:

Recheck! Usually, you can solve the problem if you have a novel writing software that checks the grammar and corrects it. However, you may also have some typos even after using software. Hence, you need to re-read the draft.


Who would not want to be a successful novelist?

Although the dream is unbelievable, it is not impossible. If you can look at the feedback constructively and reach the reader, the road to success is near.

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