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Google AdWords Account Management – Why You Should Hire An Agency

For many small business owners, Google AdWords account management is a minefield! This means that they either do not do AdWords campaigns or setup their campaigns poorly. In both situations, this means that massive opportunities are lost to generate targeted leads and new revenue for your business. 

In this article, we look at what AdWords management is, how to optimize it, and whether your business should consider it. 

What are the benefits of AdWords management?

Many businesses gain a great deal of value from PPC management services. In addition to providing targeted leads, conversions, and revenue, they also provide great visibility for businesses of all kinds around the world. They are quick to setup and align nicely with other digital marketing platforms. Not only this, but tracking and monitoring is easy, and you can extract useful data for analysing your market and customers. 

Drilling down into the detail of every action a prospect takes within your campaign is also a major advantage of effective AdWords campaign management. Each action can be tracked and monitored, and you can also view data such as what time ads are the most clicked on, and the geographic information of people that clicked. 

Check what your agency will provide

Some agencies will try to steer you down the path of providing simple reports. But when selecting your agency, it is best to check upfront that you can get as much data as possible to drill into for your campaigns. This level of detail is not just useful for your campaigns, but also for analysis in more general marketing terms. 

It is also vital to build an effective strategy for your adverts in order to optimize their effectiveness. Well setup campaigns pull in people looking for similar products or services to the ones your company offers, and this ensures that you will only be paying for clicks that are worth potential revenue for your company.

How important is the customer to your agency?

Before engaging an agency and trusting them with this critical aspect of your marketing, it is vital to ensure their customer service is what you would expect from them. How will they handle your issues, feedback, strategy, and how well will they understand your business and goals? These things are vital to be able to have the best possible working relationship with your chosen agency. 

How well your agency sets up keywords is also a critical question. Researching the right keywords is a definite value add of a good agency, and the wrong keywords can lead to wasted time and budget. Good google AdWords management services have dedicated researchers that research the right keywords for a business and use different tools and resources to find the most effective ones for your business. 

In a nutshell

While it may be tempting to carry out AdWords management in-house, doing so overlooks the many complexities and technicalities with setting up good quality campaigns. Familiarizing yourself with even the most basic AdWords management terms is in itself a challenge, and then there is finding the time to analyse and monitor the results. 

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