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Email Marketing Dos and Don’ts

Here are a few simple ways to improve your email strategy with email does and don’ts. 

Are you making the most out of your email marketing strategy? Or do you find that month after month you’re not getting the results you’re looking for? 

Well, the resolution could be as simple as adjusting a few things in your current email strategy. From adjusting your call to action to ensuring your emails are optimized for mobile, it could all be affecting how your subscribers are interacting with your emails. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at a few dos and don’ts for email marketing. Here’s a quick look at what we’ll cover: 

  • Do: entice subscribers with sales and discounts
  • Do: utilize personalization in your emails
  • Do: optimize all of your emails for mobile
  • Don’t: use too many links 
  • Don’t: forget to use pre-header text 
  • Don’t: skip reviewing your email metrics

Email Marketing Dos

First, let’s take a look at a few of the dos when it comes to email marketing. These tips are a few things that you should be doing to help improve your current email strategy. 

1. Do Send Sales and Discounts

For many of your subscribers, a coupon or discount may have been what encouraged them to join your list in the first place. 

Sales and discounts can come in many different forms, here are a few commonly used in email marketing: 

  • Flash sales
  • Limited-time offers
  • Dollars or percentage discounts
  • New product launches

Many subscribers will stick around because they are expecting to receive details on upcoming sales and discount codes to help them snag a deal. But as you begin to learn more about your subscriber base, you don’t have to provide everyone with the same discounts. 

With the help of new technology and predictive analytics, you can pinpoint what customers are more likely to make a purchase at full price, and who needs a little extra incentive to complete their sale. This way, you can make the most out of every email and bring in the most revenue possible. 

When it comes to ROI, email knocks the competition out of the water. By sending sales and discounts right to your subscribers’ inboxes, you can help increase that ROI through higher conversion and more sales. Image courtesy of Smart Insights

Email marketing provides companies with a higher ROI than any other marketing effort. So it’s no surprise that promoting sales and discounts will help increase your conversion and sales numbers. 

2. Do Add Personalization

Adding personalization into your email marketing strategy will improve the experience for your subscribers and build a stronger connection. Not only will personalization improve the customer experience, but it will also benefit your marketing strategy. 

Emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened. That means that more of your emails will get opened, and if you take the personalization to the next step can improve conversion rates and sales. 

Email open rates increase for nearly every industry when using a personalized subject line. Meaning the minimum you need to do when personalizing emails include a subscriber’s name or demographic details and you can quickly increase your open rates. Image courtesy of Marketing Land

For example, if you know a customer has recently been browsing for a certain product on your site, you can share that product, or similar products, to them via email. This will likely encourage them to open and engage with the email. 

Here are a few ways you can personalize your emails: 

  • Use demographic information to provide them with relevant emails
  • Send abandoned cart emails to remind customers about products they left behind
  • Segment your customer lists to make personalization easier
  • Optimize email send times by learning when your subscribers are most active. 

Personalization is all about sending the most relevant information to your subscribers at the right time. 

3. Do Optimize For Mobile 

If you aren’t already optimizing your emails for mobile, you’re missing a huge portion of your customer base. In today’s world, nearly everyone has a mobile phone or tablet and they are using these devices more frequently than a desktop. 

When you consider that 83% of mobile users feel that a seamless experience across all devices is very important, it’s a clear sign that you need to be investing in mobile optimization. If someone tried to open an email on their smartphone and it doesn’t load properly, you’ve lost your chance — it’s very unlikely they will go to their desktop computer just to read it. 

When done right, email can be a great mobile marketing tool. As more people begin to rely solely on their mobile devices, optimizing your emails is becoming more and more important. 

Here are a few tips to helping you optimize your emails for mobile: 

  • Don’t overdesign your emails, images don’t always adjust properly
  • Create a responsive template
  • Keep character limits in mind when writing subject and preheader lines
  • Make sure buttons are large enough to click with a finger tap

With properly optimized emails, you can expect to see an increase in engagement. Nearly half of your customers are using their mobile phones to check their emails and even more, are simply deleting emails that aren’t optimized. Don’t miss out on a world of opportunity by not optimizing your emails for your mobile users. 

Email Marketing Don’ts

Next up, email marketing don’ts. These are things you don’t want to do when it comes to your email strategy, and a few details on why. 

1. Don’t Include Too Many Links

Adding too many links to your emails can be very confusing for your subscribers. While in theory, it may seem like a good way to improve engagement and provide users with a variety of options, it will just overwhelm them. 

Every email you send should have one main goal. To reach that goal, you should include one clear call to action so your users know exactly what you want them to do. If you have tons of links throughout the email, your subscribers will get lost and may not take the action that will help you meet that goal.

Make it simple, tell them what to do next and that will lead them to complete the action you want. 

Action words can help give a subscriber insight into what they should be doing next. A good CTA will use action and will increase conversion rates. 

Here are a few tips to help improve your call to action: 

  • Make sure to include an action in your call to action buttons 
  • The button needs to stand out, use size and color variations to accomplish this
  • Add a sense of urgency 
  • Keep it above the fold to ensure subscribers see it

Remember, your call to action is the one thing that will help you reach your goals. If your subscribers can’t find it or don’t know what to do next, you’re going to see lower conversion rates. 

2. Don’t Forget To Use Pre-Header Text

Do you craft content for your email pre-header text? If your answer was no, you may be missing out on some prime real estate. The pre-header text is another way to encourage customers to open your emails. 

Sometimes, a subject line just isn’t enough to capture the attention of your subscribers. But with the help of perfectly crafted pre-header text, you can add a little extra detail to the message. This gives your subscribers more insight into why they should click into your email. 

Pre-header text can lead to more opens and click-throughs. It’s all about providing more context to your message and encouraging your subscribers to keep reading. 

It’s a great place to include things like: 

  • Sneak peek into what the sale is
  • Additional campaign information
  • Highlight incentives or prizes 

While it may not be the first thing that comes to mind when creating new emails, pre-header text can be a valuable thing to include. Give your subscribers a quick look into what you’re about to tell them and a reason to keep reading. 

3. Don’t Ignore What Your Metrics Tell You

If you aren’t taking time each month to review your email marketing metrics, you could be missing ways to improve your current efforts. Digging into the numbers and understanding what your subscribers are engaging with and what they aren’t will help you evolve your emails. 

Once you learn what your subscribers are engaging with and what emails aren’t received as well, you can build your future emails with this in mind. You can stop wasting time on the messages that clearly don’t work and spend more time on the ones that will provide higher conversion rates. 

Knowing the benchmark metrics for emails can help you understand how well your campaigns are performing. If you aren’t tracking your metrics, you’ll never know where you need to improve. 

Here are a few metrics you’ll want to track: 

  • New subscribers
  • Unsubscribers 
  • Open rates
  • Click-through rates
  • Conversion rates

Tracking your metrics is the best way for you to continue to grow and evolve your email marketing efforts. If you’re skipping this step, you will continue to see the same results over and over. 

Use These Tips to Improve Your Email Marketing

While there are many other dos and don’t for email marketing, these are a few to get you started on the path to improving your email marketing. Using these tips will help you provide your subscribers with a better experience, in turn, providing you with improved metrics and increased conversions. So take this information and start knocking your email marketing out of the park. 

Read Full Article Here – Email Marketing Dos and Don’ts

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