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Best Hosting For Business Website, Blog, eCommerce | HostArmada Review

Web hosting is a crucial part of the website, and site administrators cannot avoid it. The industry is captivated the audience using many different methods, and it is holding back the smart deals to find your way. In this review, we are going to introduce you to an old player in the game, and they are offering good deals on the hosting packages.

What is HostArmada?

HostArmada is a web hosting company that is making headlines in the industry. The USA based company is offering a wide-range of cPanel packages to the customers, and you won’t have problems filling the requirements. Customers can choose the package based on requirements, and don’t have to look for an alternative. Let us introduce you to the number of features, packages, and contributing reasons why site administrators should consider HostArmada for the project.

Modern Technology

The majority of the customers don’t know much about the developments in the industry, and that’s where hosting companies rip them. HostArmada focusing on adding modern technology in the packages, and it starts from an entry-level package.

The entry-level package is Managed Cloud SSD Shared Hosting, and it comes with standard specifications & runs on SSD (Solid State Drive). We have seen well-known companies selling traditional HDD for a higher price, and while HostArmada pricing starts from $2.49 per month and $1.29 per month during auspicious occasions.

Hosting Packages for all

HostArmada team researched customers’ requirements and forged the packages for small projects, enterprise projects, and individuals projects. You won’t find limitations and scale as you succeed in the business.

  1. Managed Cloud SSD, “Shared Hosting.”
  2. WP Hosting.
  3. Managed Cloud SSD, “VPS Hosting.”
  4. Dedicated CPU Cloud Servers.
  5. Open-source Hosting (Managed Cloud SSD Hosting for Apps.)
  6. Development Hosting (Managed Cloud SSD.)

We have listed every hosting package offered by HostArmada. You don’t have to worry about the server to handle 10,000 unique visitors to 100,000 unique visitors. Customers have the choice to upgrade the packages and manage the traffic without crashing the site.

Affordable Cost

The US-based web hosting company is trying to pique customers with attractive pricing. Of course, HostArmada sacrificing the profits, but you are benefiting from the deals. In short, you are not losing quality and gaining more out of the deal.

Currently, HostArmada is presenting “Solar Raid Promo,” where you can grab any package for $1.20 per month. Customers can claim the discount up to 85%, excluding the “Dedicated CPU Cloud Servers” package. You don’t have to pay regular price and claim the discount for the project and save tons of money on web hosting.

Customer Support

Web hosting might sound a typical traditional company offering the services, but we have to think it through. Web hosting consists of physical servers located in regions, and only the company can access them physically. The customer support team is an essential aspect because anything can go wrong with server software and hardware.

We have to choose a company that has responsive customer service due to the nature of electronic goods. HostArmada has four departments 1) Technical Support Crew, 2) Sales Crew, 3) Billing & Finance Crew, and 4) Abuse & DMCA Crew.

  1. Chat support (instant response).
  2. Phone support (instant response).
  3. Ticket support (10 minutes response time).
  4. Email support (1 hour for a reply).

The USA-based company promises to respond within the mentioned period. Customers don’t have to wait on the line to connect with the customer support team. You have to speak and communicate in English because that’s the primary language of the company.

Data Centers & Speed

Readers have already figured out that it is a USA-based web hosting provider, and then it is safe to assume that they have USA Data Centers. HostArmada is prepared for customers coming from every background and allowing them to select the physical server location during the purchase.

  1. USA – East Newark, West Fremont, and Central Dallas.
  2. Canada – Toronto, and Ontario.
  3. The United Kingdom – London.
  4. Europe – Frankfurt.
  5. India – Mumbai.
  6. Australia – Sydney.

Customers have plenty of options here and host the site in the targeted continent. Your website will load faster in the selected regions, and visitors won’t have problems with loading speeds. The combination of SSD & modern technology-enabled HostArmada to pull decent loading speeds and server response time.

Bottom Line

HostArmada is using a two-layered security system to protect the users from invasions. Apart from the premium features, you are also getting free add-ons on every package like cPanel, SSL Certificate, Web Server Cache, Daily Backups, Cloud SSD Storage, and more. Overall, you don’t have to spend additional bucks on SSL certificates and other services.

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