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Benefits of React JS and Why You Should Combine It with Redux

Seven years since its release into the wild, lots of conversations have been held within the JavaScript community on the benefits and setbacks of adopting the React library. The maturing JavaScript library was advanced inside Facebook, and the developers first installed it on the News Feed product of the giant social platform.

Ever since its establishment, React has piloted a range of new-generation frameworks that can handle data reactively. Thanks to its efficiency, it has replaced previously popular brands like Ember and Backbone. Let’s dive deeper to understand how this advancement enhances user experience, and how to boost its performance by combining it with Redux.

Why React JS?

The front-end development ecosystem undergoes continuous evolution every single day. One of the new tools that have risen to the ‘bestseller’ level of web development is React JS. Developers from different corners of the globe have found it suitable for their projects. As such, they continue to find new ways of optimizing their use of the resource.

Here are some of the reasons why most specialists consider the framework for their development projects.

  • It simplifies the entire process of component scripting
  • It boosts productivity while also facilitating advanced maintenance
  • You are assured of a faster rendering process
  • The code used is more stable
  • It is Search Engine Optimization-friendly
  • It brings along useful toolsets for developers
  • A robust community backs the system (Facebook and Instagram)

The Redux Factor

Software developers leverage several libraries and tools for a seamless development process. One of the standalone libraries that primarily works alongside React JS is Redux. But remember that the two are independent of each other.

React is a JS library that helps bring a class-driven approach to the defining components of the user interface. Redux, on the other hand, can be described as a state management layer that lets developers write events in simple forms, centralizing their all-change processing and storage. The latter can be used alongside other JS technologies such as Ember and VueJS.

Deriving its inspiration from the Flux architecture used on Facebook, Redux has joined the league of the most used open-source and cross-platform JS library. Its launch date was 2nd June 2015, and its main feature involves managing the state of the application.

For instance, app management can be easily achieved with limited components. But it’s different when you now have to handle a larger application since managing each component’s state will be harder. With Redux, you can overcome such issues as it allows you to organize the states. This makes it easy to trace how, where, why, and when component changes take place.

Why You Need the Redux+React Combination

The user-interface binding library is responsible for tying Redux and React together. React bindings for Redux aid the separation of presentational components like markup and styles, from container components like state updates and data fetching. The result is that developers can build simple apps that allow for the re-use of components. This React for Redux training will give you more insights on how the combination works. 

Here are the benefits of using the two together:

Writing Is Easy Provided You Go Over the Syntax

Thanks to JSX (a React syntax similar to XML/HTML), you can write React templates HTML with interpolation. The final product ends up looking like a Mustache template, but the markup is directly located within your JS component code.

Additional Features

Whenever the state is changed in any way, child components will be disrupted, and this ends up affecting the overall performance. But with a Redux library in place, the application’s state management will be centralized. This provides you with a range of crucial development features, such as state persistence and undo/redo.


The user interface of React is relatively complex. If you are sharing the same data using more components, data flow becomes difficult. But Redux works with all UI layers and offers a massive add-on ecosystem that matches your needs and preferences.

Seamless Debugging

When using React alone, tracking the application state during the debugging process is slightly tricky. Redux, on the other hand, offers an exceptional experience thanks to its ‘time-travel debugging’ and the fact that it sends complete error reports to the server.

Global Accessibility

React couples tightly with the root component, and this poses a challenge if you wish to re-use the components. Redux simplifies things by offering universal accessibility that you can rely on to build frequently working apps. These can be easily tested and run in various environments.

Relief from DOM Binding

Developers who’ve scripted front-end components whether or not they’re using a framework understand how hard it is to bind DOM elements to functionality. But when using React and Redux together, you will no longer be bothered with the binding.

Overall, it is possible to write a full application with React’s component state alone. But there are more incredible reasons to incorporate Redux in your React application and other popular frameworks. While technology may involve a range of tradeoffs, using Redux would make things easier, and is undeniably worth it.

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