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How to Make Email Marketing Campaigns more Effective

Email marketing campaigns are one of the most effective ways of increasing business in today’s world. From startups to giant conglomerates, email marketing is employed by almost everybody as it is one of the most foolproof ways to increase business engagement.

Ever since the advent of marketing tools for emails like Silverpop, Act-On, Eloqua etc. mass email marketing is being employed by anybody with access to these tools. And quite rightly so, because when the cost of sending an extra email is zero, anybody would send as many emails as they can. But the problem arises from the fact that the number of emails don’t matter as much as the open percentage does. Today we are going to look at some proven ways to increase the efficiency of email marketing campaigns. 

1. Create strong content

One of the most basic ways to increase the effectiveness of mass email services is to increase the quality of the contact. This doesn’t necessarily mean fancy words or impressive jargons. Instead the focus should solely be on personalizing the emails keeping in mind the target consumers. In spite of the extra time and money that gets spent on personalized emails, the results more than make up for the extra resources consumed.

Surveys show that personalized emails have a higher click through rate by an average of 14% and the conversion rate for personalized emails increase by 10% on an average. 

2. Optimal email frequency determination

One of the major mistakes that most email marketing policies makes are focusing almost exclusively on email blasts and wide sweeping messages. While these do increase reach to some extent but have nothing on the effectiveness of contextual engagement through every email by leveraging the data available smartly. But to efficiently carry this out, the division of the database based on email engagement is of great importance (no engagement, limited engagement, highly engaged).

Once the delineation is made, establishing the threshold at the prospect level is necessary. And then emails should be sent in accordance to the threshold established. An Adobe case study on this matter found out that just by having a 16% decrement on the number of emails sent, and making the content more relevant instead, open rates shoot up by an average of 60%. 

3. Prioritize inter team communication

Each and every organization has entire teams dedicated towards the cause of mass email marketing on various products. This often results in simultaneous emails to the same prospect and can lead to unnecessary spamming which is a total waste of valuable resources and time. Maintaining open and fluid communication channels within the entire marketing organization is one of the best ways to reduce this wastage of resources and use the available arsenal effectively.

The primary target of mass email services is to improve revenue conversion. Various organizations have reported significant rises in their revenue conversion by reducing their email volumes by 50-60%. In doing so they have reported an average increase in revenue conversion by an average of 12%. 

4. Avoid all forms of spam filters in mass email services

Even the most carefully constructed personalized emails would be of absolutely no use if they never get to see the light of day and are shunted straight to the spam folder. Each and every spam filter has their own unique algorithm. The email which can easily pass one filter may get caught in another one so time and effort has to be dedicated towards composing an email which can pass any hurdle with distinction and can be engaging, personalized and conversational.

Too many catch phrases, all caps, hyperbolic phrases, poorly formatted HTMLs must be avoided at all costs. And moreover information regarding the type of filters commonly used by the target clientele must be studied attentively to avoid any unique features those particular filters might have to add. 

5. Optimize tactics based on result measurement

Modern marketers rely heavily on the metrics to validate the results obtained and in turn aid in reporting up to the C-suite. But if these metrics can be coupled with lower-level tracking, the effectiveness of mass email campaigns and contact engagement can be monitored to help in optimization of market strategies. The lead scores of various campaigns need to be monitored periodically to gauge its effectiveness and bring about alterations as required.

Further monitoring would ensure whether the optimization was bearing expected results. Low lead scores clearly point out the problematic campaigns for the business to focus on. And given that email is one of the most effective communication tools at a marketeer’s disposal, suboptimal results in this regard is nothing short of failure. Hence optimization of mass email services should be on the top of the to do list of any and every business.

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