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7 Ways to Boost your Website Speed

No matter whether your business is majorly focused on operations on-the-wheels, or essentially online, you need a website and a strong online process to keep yourself relevant in the changing times. Having just another website is not going to help you in the long run – it is only when, you have a fast website that you’re helping your business. 

If you’re wondering why having a fast website is important – well, the simple answer is, no one would stay back on your website if it slow. If it crashes when it is incurring heavy traffic, it translates as losses for you and money isn’t the only price you pay. Now that we have it established that website speed is crucial, let’s check out 7 ways that can help boost the speed of your website:

Track website performance

You can never better something if you don’t spend enough energies tracking your current website speed and performance, so that you know where you stand! This process is called baselining, where you’ll get access to how pages load for the visitors on your page. 

Thoroughly analyze the statistics of your website.

Shift to cloud

Most local businesses store their resources, and host websites from physical services. That results in bad website performance, truth be told. So, experts recommend that you go to a cloud computing network, which uses its own set of data migration tools to reduce burden on website. Cloud changes the entire way web networks operate within, and as more companies are shifting to models that allow them to run their applications through a central service provider, they end up saving tons of money as well as smooth handling of their web’s traffic – thus resulting in faster website speed and more optimized performance. 

Optimize images

Nothing works without visual impacts anymore, and that’s a fact. People like images more than words, so your website should be no different. But use images that are not only the proper size but also properly optimized, because most often than not, images contribute to large page sizes that slow down the pace of your website.

Make sure images you’re using are lesser than 100KB, and set to the exact size as they would be displayed in, and also saved in JPG format. If they are transparent, you can save them in PNG formats, too. One downside to this when you compress an image, you compromise on the quality – so don’t do that. But, don’t end up uploading an image of 2600px when your website is just 600px! Use good photo editing software to optimize images, as well. 

Reduce HTTP Requests

This sure sounds big – and well, we’re pleased to tell you – it is! But, just because it is big, doesn’t mean it has to get complicated. If you’re trying to optimize page loads with data migration tools, reducing page requests is a good way. Strive to keep the number under 50 – that should be your holy grail! 

Implement a CDN

Content Delivery Networks (CDN) are exceptional for optimizing website speed and performance, and we’re not saying that – all experts are! These are third party services that offer HTTP/2 support, and host your files across global servers, thus improving your website performance. 

Reduce the server response time

Yes, you heard us right with this one! Have you checked with your service providers to understand whether all your servers are experiencing the best uptimes? Do they have enough bandwidth, and are they located near your target audience? If the answers to these top three questions aren’t in the affirmative, it might be time to go for a server change.

If you have a PHP based server, it might be a good idea to use PHP7 version or higher. But also check whether your server is compatible with HTTP/2 as it is known for increasing performance and speed. If you’re using shared hosting services, you’ll suffer when it comes to website speed. So, consider opting for dedicated managed hosting services for your speed would see a boost! 

Are your browser caches enabled? All said and done, website speed can suffer if your website’s browser caches are not enabled. Everytime a visitor comes on your website, their browser will re-download all the files if you do not have enabled browser caching. If you have that, these details or as we call them, static files of your website, won’t need to be downloaded – they will be stored on the visitor’s browser.

So, as they won’t need to download or re-download anything, the website and your pages would load much faster than before and website performance would improve significantly. There are plugins available that make you enable browser caching – it is extremely easy, and with the latest data migration tools, improving the speed of your website is no longer a dream. 

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