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4 Ways Technology Has Improved Business Communications

All thanks to the various technological advancements now in place, businesses both big and small have new ways to advance their operations. Gone are the days when almost every aspect of business management was manual. From having virtual conferences to quicker file sharing, businesses today are in a very advantageous position in terms of technological resources and their accompanying effects.

One of the biggest areas of technological change is in the area of business communications. There have been many improvements in communications in recent years. The telephone and radio have been around for quite some time, while television has been around much longer. As you can probably imagine, the telephone and radio had a huge effect on the way people communicated with each other in the past. But, due to all the advancements coming in, these may now be considered as obsolete. There are now so many new forms of business communications, such as through smartphones and the Internet.

That said, here’s a look at how technology has shaped business communication for the better:

1. Communication Is Now Heavily-Reliant On The Computer

One of the primary ways technology has affected communication is through computer usage. The computer has become an integral part of everyday life for people from all walks of life, particularly in business.

There are so many different communication forms that can be completed now through the computer, for as long as a stable Internet connection exists. From starting through dial-up, now the Internet has evolved to broadband, allowing for high-speed Internet access across businesses, particularly in the city areas.

Along with these also came in the birth of smartphones that can be connected to the Internet. This paved the way for faster and more efficient communication. Your employees don’t even have to stay limited within the four walls of your office for them to be able to complete business correspondence. Even when they’re on-the-go or doing field work, they can still be reached.

2. Voice Mail Keeps Track Of Important Calls

Another way technology has improved business communication is through voice mail and sending correspondence through eFax.

In the past, many important calls were lost and forgotten, simply because they weren’t returned. There was no means at all to track these important calls. Today, this is no longer the case.

Especially when the work days get long and busy in the office, it’s not uncommon to have missed calls. With voice mail, there’s a means now for the callers to leave a message whenever no one on the other end of the phone picks it up.

Today, whenever these calls are left unanswered, a recorded message is left. That way, your secretary (or whoever is in charge of the phone) will know who to call back. This advantage can result in better customer service, increased satisfaction, and a lower probability of losing sales.

3. Team Collaboration Is Now Easier

Today, team collaboration is made easier through technological advancements. This is made possible through the presence of team collaboration and apps. For instance:

  • There are online tools that enable document creation so businesses can have multiple members of the team working on documents simultaneously, even when they may not physically be in the office.
  • Messaging solutions, like Slack, enable businesses to group together separate conversations, usually by department, for easier reference, file organization, and giving out of office memos.

4. Customer Satisfaction Improves

Because customers are the backbone of business existence, it’s very important for businesses to strive and make it their priority to keep these people happy. Otherwise, when they aren’t, you can be sure that these customers will then transfer and start patronizing your competition.

With technology, customer service is greatly improved. Here’s how:

  • Businesses now have their own websites, where customers can view products and services with ease, read about latest offerings and developments, and even shop and make purchases.
  • Web chat software enables businesses to solve concerns made by customers, any time of the day.
  • Social media sites can be used not just to sell products and services, but also to create buzz about your business, thereby enhancing your popularity.


Technology has always been a great help to people when it comes to business communications. It has made it easier for businesses to communicate with one another, and allowed customers to get more out of their communication experience. 

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